97% pass rate
Learn about rhythm and note values, key-signatures, time-signatures, chord-progressions, intervals, transposition and much more.

Classes start every year in September and run through to June.

You will be offered the opportunity (optional) to sit an ABRSM theory exam of any standard to Grade 5 in June and the course is tailored to complete the syllabus in time for this.

September 2017 class - no availability.

However, individual lessons are still available - please get in touch if you would like to consider this option.

The tutor for the course is professional musician and singer, Charlotte Newstead. Charlotte has been running the classes for many years, previously on behalf of the University of Bristol.  She has a BA(Hons) and MA in music and holds a LGSMD diploma for singing performance.

Fees for 2017-2018: £170 for Grades 1 & 2.   Book now!

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